Mistress Astoria, Los Angeles, USA
Guest at dungeon UNDERGROUND from
16.09 - 16.12.2019
24.09 - 22.10.2018
7.02 - 9.03.2017
About Me
If you’re expecting a warm friendly greeting, you are in the wrong place! This is my domain, my realm and your place is at my feet!
An image of Beauty, originally from Europe, I’m here to be served, pampered and pleasured by a privileged few.
A Naturally Dominant Goddess I wield the power to humble little men like you. My style of Domination ranges from playful and sensual to very strict and demanding, depending on my mood. Erotic domination, discipline, fetishes, sadistic and perverted games these are my real passions!
If you are so lucky as to be granted an audience, I will delight in controlling you, manipulating you, humiliating you, all for my pleasure, my amusement. You will become my personal toy! You will learn to do what I want you to, when I want you to and your only purpose will be to please me.
Come with me. Let me take you on a journey beyond your wildest dreams to those places that you have kept in hiding deep in the dark crevasses of your mind.
It’s important that you understand that I have a very busy schedule. I don’t have time or patience to put up with people trying to waste my time. So if you want to have a session with me you must read and follow my directions carefully. Failure to obey the following requirements will result in my extreme displeasure or banishment from my dungeon, never to serve me again.

Η γνωστη και φιλη μου Mistress Astoria απο το Los Angeles των USA με παρα πολλα χρονια εμπειριας στο χωρο του BDSM θα ειναι απο 16 Σεπτεμβριου 2019 για τριτη φορα φιλοξενουμενη Μου στο UNDERGROUND.
Εχοντας μεινει στις προηγουμενεσ επισκεψεις της πληρως ικανοποιημενη απο την ανταποκριση της Ελληνικης BDSM κοινοτητας αποφασισε η τριτη επισκεψη της να διαρκεσει το λιγοτερο ενα μηνα.